The open road

The open road
Running my leg of the Bison 50. 10/27/13

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Helping others to help ourselves

At this morning's Weight Watcher meeting we tackled the always present issue of emotional eating.  I think I will always battle this to some degree.  I know I make more bad choices when emotions run high, and stress and anger are the worst offenders.   Over the years I have learned to turn to exercise or a creative outlet more and more when things get me rattled and I want to turn to food.  But today, someone suggested volunteering as an outlet. I had never really thought about it that way, but it really made sense to me.  
1. It keeps you busy
2. It forces you to take the focus off of yourself, and put it on others
3. It gives you perspective.  
4. It can give you a sense of accomplishment to help your community. 
It may seem selfish to "use" volunteering as a tool to help yourself, but everyone will benefit.   And any way you choose to help out is valuable.  Don't downplay the work that you do.  
Here are a few ideas of ways to volunteer:
Give blood
Volunteer at local races
Work at a food bank
Get involved with fundraising for various organizations 
Knit for Warm up America
There is a volunteering opportunity that matches everyone's abilities and time availability.   

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I volunteered at Children's Mercy Hospital for 10 years. There was a lot of tedium, of course, but those moments when we were actually helping someone with something, it was as though we left our bodies behind and became someone else, some other-directed person.
