The open road

The open road
Running my leg of the Bison 50. 10/27/13

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

An EPIC Adventure: Little Rock Marathon Race Recap

I had so much fun running the Little Rock Marathon in 2013, I just had to do it again, especially when I saw it had a superhero theme this year.  My husband and I drove down with a friend of mine and her husband.  She was doing her first half and our husbands get along really well so we made it a couple's trip. I have never had my husband along for a marathon so I thought it would be nice to have him at the finish. And, I had never run the same marathon more than once, so I wasn't sure if I would find it to be an advantage or disadvantage.  This entire race weekend turned out to be pretty unique, to say the least.  
On Saturday my friend and I went to the expo while our husbands went to the Clinton Presidential Library. The LR (Little Rock) expo is the only expo I've been to where the theme of the race is front and center and it is fun.  Before we walked in we did silly pics (see above) and were greeted by this:
We got our packets, did some shopping (Bondi Bands, Runningluv, and ponchos for the forecasted rain) and I stopped for a pic with the ladies of Another Mother Runner. 
We also signed up to win free entries to about 6 others races, and didn't win. But I signed up or one, The Hogeye Marathon, when I got home.  Yeah, I'm crazy, but it sounds like a fun race. 
We actually finished at the expo before the guys finished at the library, so we explored local life looking for some post-race pie. We found a funky little coffee shop and a slice of lemon icebox pie.  Mugs Coffee shop is on the list of places to hit next year! 
The weather forecast for race day was not looking great: Dropping temps, possible lightning, and of course rain. It was challenging to chose the outfit I wanted to run in. I didn't want to get overheated at the start, but I knew I was going to get wet. After must deliberation here's what I chose: capris, Sparkle Skirt for the pockets and extra layer of warmth, tank, Swirlgear long sleeve top, visor and Runningluv on my wrist.  The poncho fit in my pocket and I opted to skip the Bondi band on race day. 
 After a pasta dinner we headed to bed. Little Rock has an early start option for those who need more than 6 hours to finish the marathon. That's me!  We woke up before 5:00 to get ready for my 6:00 am start.  I was honestly not expecting anything from this race besides finishing. I hadn't run very much this winter, my longest run in a year was 13.1, and the weather wasn't looking like it was going to be helpful.  I found the 6 and a half hour pacers and hoped to stick with them as long as I could. Last year I ran this course in 6:45, and I was better trained.  I did have to take a "superhero" pic before the start, because that's how I roll.  
After a prayer and the Star-Spangled Banner we were off!
Miles 1-2: got to know the pacer and the folks in the group. My pacer was wearing a Sparkle Skirt, too!
Mile 3: a band on the side of the road just happened to strike up the theme from Rocky just as we ran past.  So hard to take it easy when that song is pumping you up.  
Mile 4-7: a few sprinkles started hitting us.  I tried to get my poncho on in the wind.  I bet that looked classy. 
Miles 8: Still felt good, but the rain officially started to be poncho worthy and it was getting COLD! 
Mile 9: a police officer was passing out candy :)
Mile 10-12: I started hanging out a little bit ahead of the pace group.  My walk was a tad faster but my running a tad slower.  It all evens out.  
Mile 13: the elites started passing us from the half and the full
Mile 14: the hill by the school for the Deaf is not fun. I did some run/walk intervals to stay on pace and enjoyed the "couch potato" mile volunteers.  No pics because of rain. 
Mile 15-16: still uphill!  The Hillcrest neighborhood is cute and quirky and last year tons of residence were out cheering is on. This year the weather had an impact on crowd support, but there were still some fantastic people out there this year. 
Mile 17: down hill!!!  But my pacer had I use the bathroom. She took off and I didn't see here again until mile 20.  (Not happy about that)
Mile 18-21: out an back along Riverfront Park. Nice and flat, but my glute was really bugging me at this point.  It hurt to run too long, but otherwise I felt ok.  I was really really cold though.  I saw that the pacer was behind me now, without her sign.  
Mile 22-23: we start hearing rumors from the aid station that they are closing the course.  A thunderstorm was heading in. Alert level was high.  :( The pacer blee past me.  I thought that my pace must have really slowed for her to pass me that fast.  My garmin was at home so I had no way to know.  
Mile 24 marker: a police officer announces that the course was closed and busses were coming.  I did not come this far to not finish!  I hear him say that we can continue at our own risk.  I, along with dozens of others kept doing.   2.2 miles to go.  
Mile 25: up hills again!  
Mile 26: beer and bananas at the aid station. Beer now. Banana in pocket. I grabbed lipstick at the lipstick station for later. My hands were too cold and shaky to apply it.  Stopped for a pic with Captain America. Approached the finish line and saw my time was almost exactly on pace!  If I hadn't stopped for that pic I may have done it. 
But I love this pic!!
Mile 26.2: I have never been so happy to finish anything!!!!!!!! The weather made this race the toughest but the most rewarding.  Official time: 6:31:47, my second best marathon! I found my husband after I got my giant medal and headed to the Perks Pavillion for a massage.  I found my friend and we all headed over to Vino's for pizza and beer.  
I  am bummed that some people were redirected or didn't get to finish. I am frustrated that the pacer didn't pace after mile 17. I wish the weather didn't keep the spectators away. But I really enjoyed my race experience and the accomplishment I feel from running my 4th marathon.  I can't wait to run Little Rock next year in better conditions!